Monday, January 26, 2015

La canción de los justos...‏


 Well we are doing good here in Tacuari. We are passing the difficulties of the white wash. I have a good idea of where everything is pretty much and we know most of the members in our area. We have a lot of support from the leaders now that we have been able to visit them and everything. Last Monday we met with the Bishop and had a family home evening that went really well. We asked him for references and his wife told us that we could visit his mom who recently had a knee replacement. So we went there and sang her a few songs and then gave her a blessing. She was touched and cried during the blessing. The Spirit was really strong and I think we helped her feel better. She was pretty down about being in a wheel chair and she isn't recovering as well as she would like to. Then on Saturday the Bishop called and asked me to give a talk the next day. I gave my talk about how when we fast and pray in faith, for people who we love, to come back to the church or to join it, that miracles happen as long as we do it with faith. Which means that we must do something so that the fast or prayer is accomplished. I shared about how that is what happened with Hna. Benitez and Mariola. Then we gave everyone some cards as they left sacrament meeting to write down the names of the people they will fast for next week. I hope that they do it. We will be following up with everyone to try to help them to do it and help their friends and family.

We also had a way awesome experience on Saturday. We were going to teach a single mother named Claudia who we had found earlier in the week. She smokes a lot and struggles to support her family but she is way funny and says whatever is on her mind. She wasn´t there when we tried to teach her on Friday so I thought maybe she decided that she didn´t really want to talk to us. We got there kind of late on Saturday and she had a visitor over and I was going to just tell her that we stopped by to invite her to church again, but as I was saying it to her daughter, Luz told us she was going to bring us chairs. So we sat down a bit reluctantly and Elder Graves said that there is a song that we sing in the church that says “Luz.” In English it is "Lead Kindly Light". He asked me if we should sing it and I said “I don't know…” but then we decided to do it anyways. We sang, and it sounded pretty good. I had to strain my eyes to see the words in the dark, and when we finished I looked up and there were like 10 kids around us totally mesmerized and they all clapped for us. Haha And so then Claudia and her friend who is also a single mother started asking us questions about what we do as missionaries and stuff, they were very impressed. Then we sang another song, and with the mesmerized children we took the opportunity to teach them about staying away from bad friends and bad influences and listening to their moms. It was way funny cause when we started talking about this the mom´s started to basically scream at their kids things like “Listen to what their saying! Pay attention!” haha It was pretty funny. Then we told the moms that we learned all this stuff at church and their kids can learn it if they go. We also said that the parents learn better how to teach their kids to do the right things. Then we sang "I Am a Child of God" first a verse in English and then in Spanish. When we started to sing in Spanish I felt the spirit really strong and I know that all those kids and their mothers also felt it. We left and as I walked away I considered how truly awesome that experience was. I am a 20 year old in Argentina singing to kids in Spanish and helping them to know that they are children of God. That´s the life. I´m living the dream!

Con amor, Elder Hawk

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