Hola todos!
It has been a pretty crazy week of traveling here for divisions and for Elder Muñoz´s visa, but we were still able to get a lot of good work in and we are excited for this week to come.
This week we did splits with the Zone Leaders and we went to their apartment in Apostoles which is about 2 hours away in the evening on Monday but when we arrived the assistants called and said we all needed to go back to Oberà in the morning for a district meeting with the assistants, so it was kind of a waste of time, but there was a pretty sweet sunset on the way to Apostoles as a birthday present to me and we ate delicious pizza so it was pretty good.
We also had the Christmas Devotional yesterday and it was really good! There were some really good talks! It is weird to hear them translated though because I am so used to the apostles voices and everything. haha. Before the devotional we were trying to get a family to come with us and we were talking with their dad who has been really kind of cold towards us before but we just started talking with him and we really have gained his confidence and we shared a scripture from the Bible about Christ and then one from the Book of Mormòn and he loved it. He is very firm that he won´t change, but if he actually starts to read the Book of Mormon then I know he will feel even more of the Spirit. His daughters and wife are way interested so hopefully we can help keep them progressing.
This week was good, but I have just been feeling like we aren´t accomplishing a whole lot, just kind of working. So I had been praying hard to find an answer and studying in Preach My Gospel and realized that this gospel isn´t just like a cookie cutter for every person. I love creating systems and in my teaching I had created a system and tried to fit everyone inside the system, but that isn´t how the gospel works. We are all individual children of God and he has a specific plan for each of us. And the gospel will bless every aspect of our lives and our specific unique challenges. So we are going to work more on getting to know people better and then teaching based on what they need. And if we can just show them with a small example that the gospel will actually help them with their specific challenges then they will actually be interested in learning more and changing and acting. And we need to start working better with the branch and supporting the bishop. We are going to ask for a list of people he wants us to visit and also if there is anyone in the ward who needs any kind of service. And these ideas are probably obvious to a missionary with experience, but I don´t have a lot of experience. But I have the Lord and he sent me specific revelation to help me out and to help out the people in Oberá. It's pretty incredible that he loves me enough to help me even though he has plenty of other important things to do.
Well I love you all and I am so proud of all you are doing. Special props this week to Parker for his speech and award! Also to Tanner for being a huge part of helping Jamie get baptized. Keep up the good work everyone!
Con amor, Elder Hawk
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